Honoring Lineworkers Lantern Ceremony

***Form will be published soon***
Annually, the Montana Lineman's Rodeo holds a ceremony the Friday evening before the rodeo to honor all brothers and sisters who have passed from June to June. Honoree forms can be mailed in or completed online to honor any Lineworker.
Each brothers or sisters name is written on a lantern. One by one, brothers climb the pole and hang the lantern on a line strung in between two poles. At the top, they light the candle within and take a moment of silence to honor the passed Lineworker.
This event is by far the most symbolic of all we do. Watching the lanterns rise and seeing all brothers and sisters together, is a tribute that cannot be described in words. The lanterns are then mailed to the families of those honored.
This year's honorees are based upon nominations we receive from families, co-workers or the public. If you are interested in nominating a fallen Lineworker, please complete the form linked below and submit to MTLRA.